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nswccd65igor is a set of macros and functions for WaveMetrics IGOR Pro 5.05A. The various functions and macros allow a user to load various data sets, change wave names, scale waves to engineering units, and perform various signal processing algorithms. The signal processing includes mean subtraction, time-domain statistics tabulation, power spectral density computation, amplitude selection, and Weibull distribution computation.

The latest version of nswccd65igor is 200701171108.

The following files are available:
  1. Download the latest version of the nswccd65igor source code.
  2. Save the zip file to your IGOR Pro User Procedures folder, which is probably in c:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\IGOR Pro Folder\User Procedures\.
  3. Unzip the zip file to extract files similar to the following:
  4. Copy nswccd65-loader.ipf into your IGOR Pro IGOR Procedures folder, which is probably in c:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\IGOR Pro Folder\IGOR Procedures\. This will allow the nswccd65igor macros, menus, and IGOR Filter Design Lab (IFDL) to be loaded automatically every time IGOR Pro loads.